Story of Seasons: I’m About to Explode I’m so Excited and You Should be Too

This image was retrieved from the Harvest Moon Wikia:
This image was retrieved from the Harvest Moon Wikia:

Everyone! Everyone! Story of Seasons will be unleashed in 3 days. I REPEAT, 3 DAYS! Are you ready? Have you prepared some food because you will have no time to be preparing food because your hands will be tied up harvesting, petting pets, farm animals, and possibly marriage candidates.  Continue reading “Story of Seasons: I’m About to Explode I’m so Excited and You Should be Too”

Rune Factory 4 and Why You Should Buy It.

Rune_Factory_4First of all, do you have a 3DS? Do you? If you do not, run and get one. They (as in all the major retailers) have tons of pretty ones out now. In addition to all of the incredible games that are being released for this system and you are just friggin’ missing out! I suggest getting this little beauty.  If you’re worried about the 3D and how you refuse to play any games that make you use 3D, there is a little slider on the side of your 3DS that will disable or enable the 3D. Now that the seed of want has been planted, let me being this glorious review. Rune Factory 4 is by far the best Rune Factory game to date. Continue reading “Rune Factory 4 and Why You Should Buy It.”