Peanut Butter Blossoms


Peanut butter is some kind of miraculous ingredient that makes everything better, isn’t it? I mean, I can’t get enough of it. As I was baking these cookies, I dipped some of the unwrapped kisses into the melted peanut butter and was immediately taken to a land of deliciousness. I suggest you try this when baking these.

This recipe is a classic but a goodie. I’m pretty sure everyone has their own peanut butter blossom recipe. Here’s mine, y’all! Continue reading “Peanut Butter Blossoms”

Peanut Butter Chocolate Brownie Cookies


These delicious chocolate peanut buttery mounds! They are little pillows of happiness. You need to have more than just one. They’re impossible to resist! These were inspired by my desperate need of something both incredibly chocolaty and peanut butter filled. Continue reading “Peanut Butter Chocolate Brownie Cookies”

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Frosting


Welcome guys, so this is a variation of a simple chocolate frosting that my mother-in-law taught me. All you will need are 5 ingredients. And trust me, this frosting is to die for!


1/2 a cup of dark chocolate

2 tblsp of milk

1 tsp of vanilla

2 tblsp of creamy peanut butter

1. In a double boiler at a medium heat, add your dark chocolate (you’ll want to chop it up beforehand) and let it melt a bit, then add your milk, vanilla, and peanut butter. You’ll want to constantly stir your mixture.

2. Once the chocolate and peanut butter are fully melted, turn off the heat. You’re done! Apply this frosting on all of your cupcakes! Don’t let it sit out for too long, it’ll dry up fast!